Europack 4

Version: 2.00 (12th of December 2006) by RayMan, DeeVee and ValonLähetti.

1.0 About:

All Europack and The Ladder maps were fixed and and updated for better gameplay and some more quality CTF and CnH maps for better competition were also added to the new version of Europack 4.

The new version the pack is now bigger, better, smooter, softer, harder, l33ter...

The selection and fixes are done by RayMan, DeeVee and ValonLähetti.

We used the source of as well, as maps which are done from the European & US Community.

The pack contains 71 CTF & 5 CnH maps.

2.0 Install Guide:

This release of Europack 4 is an independent map pack. Apart from an up-to-date version of Tribes 2 no other files are required.

  1. This pack works fine with other common map packs such as Cluster/Euro2/Euro3/TL/TWL/TWL2/Unamed/x2 though.
  2. Delete the Europack4_v100.vl2 & Europack 4 v100 Readme.txt from your ..Tribes2/Gamedata/base/ subdir.
  3. Unzip this .zip to ..Tribes2/Gamedata/base/ subdir. This will place Europack4_v200.vl2 and a readme file to that directory.
  4. Delete all .dso files from your Tribes2 folder and *swing* we're done. You find Europack 4 maps tagged as Euro4_mapname in the CTF & CnH maplist.

Doesn't work?

One of the most common errors with .vl2 files is that there is a double extension in the file. This means that file is accidentally named "" for example. At least Windows XP and maybe other versions hide common file type extensions by default (such as zip) so make sure you aren't fooled by this. The option to change this can be found by clicking tools/folder options and selecting the "view" tab. Here you should spot "Hide extension for known file types" and just uncheck that option and make your life easier.

Still having problems with the pack? - contact us.

2.1 Uninstall:

If you want to uninstall this map pack just remove the Europack4_v200.vl2 file from your Tribes2 subdir and also delete all your .dso files from Tribes2 dir to make sure it doesn't leave anything behind.

To temporary disable the pack rename it to .zip file.

3.0 Map Credits:

Most of the maps in this pack are done by community mappers around the globe. All credit for these maps go to them and here we documented hopefully all changes we have made to them (if any). In map loading screens you can also see the original creator of the map.

All maps:

3.1 Euro4 Maps

Everything that is changed since the the beginning of Europack 2.

3.1.1 Euro4 CTF

Abaddon (by Nefilim)

AshenPowder (by Cinderkarst)

BaNsHee (by Akira)

Bastage (by Cinderkarst)

Bleed (by F|ysa, edited by DeeVee)

BlueMoon (by teslatrooper, edited by z0dd & Celios)

Boss (by Rilke / Unamed)

CanyonCrusadeDeluxe (by DeeVee)

Celerity (by Meanie, overhaul by =Sabre=, edited by Celios)

Clusterfuct (by Techlogic, edited by DeeVee)

ColdPointSE (by Stuart "Vovin" Presley, SE by DeeVee & -=RayMan=-)

Crown (by Pala, edited by The Driver & DeeVee)

Curtilage (by Techlogic)

DeadlyBirdsSong (by PeachSkin & z0dd)

Deserted (by Techlogic, edited by kab000m)

Dissention (by Doja, edited by The Driver & DeeVee)

DriftsSE (by powdahound, SE by Pretend, edited by Celios)

Drorck (by Uthr)

EpicratesDeluxeSE (by PeachSkin, SE by DeeVee & -=RayMan=-)

Erebus (by Diamondback, edited by z0dd & DeeVee)

FeignSE (by Pretend, edited by The Driver & DeeVee)

Frozen (by Techlogic)

FrozenGlory (by Infamous Butcher, edited by Celios)

FrozenHope (by Infamous Butcher)

Graveyard (by -Nash!-)

HarvesterSE (by Nefilim, SE by DeeVee & -=RayMan=-)

Hellfire (by Akira, edited by The Driver)

Hildebrand (by DeeVee & =Sabre=)

IceDagger (by =Sabre= & DeeVee, edited by Celios)

Jagged Claw (by John McClane & =Sabre=)

Katabatic (by Dynamix, edited by z0dd)

LushMelee (Originally CompUSA-Melee by Dynamix, Redesigned by ZOD, edited by The Driver & DeeVee)

Magellan (by kab000m)

Magnum (by shalos (Edited by uthr, Celios)

MidnightMayhemDeluxe (by =Sabre= & DeeVee, edited by Celios)

Muddyswamp (by Peachskin, edited by Celios)

Neve (by Nycto, edited by kab000m)

Osiris (by Salieri)

Pandemonium (bye Rilke / Unamed)

ProjectX (by Pala, edited by The Driver & DeeVee)

PuliVeivari (by Paladine, edited by kab000m)

QuagmireSE (by Dynamix, SE by DeeVee & -=RayMan=-)

RoaR (by =/\ce= a.k.a. G/-/(0)ST)

RiverdanceSEi (by Dynamix, SE by =Sabre=)

Roughland (by Uthr, edited by kab000m & Celios)

Ruined (by Ubernator)

RunenmachtSE (by =Sabre=, Flagstand by Infamous Butcher)

SanctuarySE (by Dynamix, SE by =Sabre=, edited by DeeVee)

SkyLight (by Killing is Fun)

Slapdash (by Dynamix, edited by z0dd)

Solaris (by kab000m)

Soupladl (by Uthr)

SpinCycle (by DeeVee & =Sabre=)

StarFallenSE (by v5planet, SE by ValonLähetti)

Tantric (by KillerBagel, edited by The Driver & DeeVee)

Timid (by Santiclaws, edited by kab000m)

Volcanic (by Paladine, edited by kab000m)

Voodoo (by Doja, edited by kab000m)

Warspring (by lumoon)

WoodyMyrkSE (by Juno, SE by =Sabre= & Akira, edited by Celios)

Xerxes (by Cinderkarst)

3.1.1 Euro4 CnH

Bloodmoon (by SSBeast, edited by DeeVee)

Bloody Chaos (by Red Shifter)

Coppice (by Jambon)

Shattered Paradise (by Dr. Pimento)

Sinivalkoinen (by Pala, edited by DeeVee)

3.2 Euro4 (8vs8)

CeleritySE (by Meani, SE by kab000m, edited by kab000m & The Driver)

BeachBlitzSE (8vs8) (by DOX, SE by ValonLähetti)

BossSE (8vs8) (by Rilke, SE by ValonLähetti)

CrownSE (8vs8) (by Paladine, SE by ValonLähetti)

DesertedSE (8vs8) (by Techlogic, SE by ValonLähetti)

NeveSE (8vs8) (by Nycto, SE by ValonLähetti)

PandemoniumSE (8vs8) (by Rilke, SE by ValonLähetti)

PuliVeivariSE (8vs8) (by Paladine, SE by ValonLähetti)

StarFallenSE (8vs8) (by v5planet, SE by ValonLähetti)

TitanSE (8vs8) (by z0dd, SE by ValonLähetti)

TridentSE (8vs8) (by Dynamix, SE by ValonLähetti)

4.0 Changelog:

Changes between the different releases of Europack 4.

4.1 From Europack4 v1.00 to Europack4 v2.00:

All maps (Cleaned mission files from unnecessary lines)

4.1.1 CTF Maps

AshenPowder (by Cinderkarst)

Bastage (by Cinderkarst)

BlueMoonSE (by teslatrooper, edited by z0dd & Celios)

CanyonCrusadeDeluxe (by DeeVee)

Celerity (by Meanie, overhaul by =Sabre=, edited by Celios)

Clusterfuct (by Techlogic, edited by DeeVee)

ColdPointSE (by Stuart "Vovin" Presley, SE by DeeVee & -=RayMan=-)

Drorck (by Uthr)

DriftsSE (by powdahound, SE by Pretend, edited by Celios)

EpicratesDeluxeSE (by PeachSkin, SE by DeeVee & -=RayMan=-)

Erebus (by Diamondback, edited by z0dd & DeeVee)

FrozenGlory (by Infamous Butcher, edited by Celios)

FrozenHope (by Infamous Butcher)

HarvesterSE (by Nefilim, SE by DeeVee & -=RayMan=-)

IceDagger (by =Sabre= & DeeVee, edited by Celios)

Jagged Claw (by John McClane & =Sabre=)

Magnum (by shalos (Edited by uthr, Celios)

MidnightMayhemDeluxe (by =Sabre= & DeeVee, edited by Celios)

Muddyswamp (by Peachskin)

QuagmireSE (by Dynamix, SE by DeeVee & -=RayMan=-)

RoaR (by =/\ce= a.k.a. G/-/(0)ST)

Roughland (by Uthr, edited by kab000m & Celios)

Ruined (by Ubernator)

Voodoo (by Doja, edited by kab000m)

Xerxes (by Cinderkarst)

ProjectX (by Pala, edited by The Driver & DeeVee)

WoodyMyrkSE (by Juno, SE by =Sabre= & Akira, edited by Celios)

4.1.2 Euro4 (8vs8)

CeleritySE (by Meani, SE by kab000m, edited by kab000m & The Driver)

BeachBlitzSE (8vs8) (by DOX, SE by ValonLähetti)

BossSE (8vs8) (by Rilke, SE by ValonLähetti)

CrownSE (8vs8) (by Paladine, SE by ValonLähetti)

DesertedSE (8vs8) (by Techlogic, SE by ValonLähetti)

NeveSE (8vs8) (by Nycto, SE by ValonLähetti)

PandemoniumSE (8vs8) (by Rilke, SE by ValonLähetti)

PuliVeivariSE (8vs8) (by Paladine, SE by ValonLähetti)

StarFallenSE (8vs8) (by v5planet, SE by ValonLähetti)

TitanSE (8vs8) (by z0dd, SE by ValonLähetti)

TridentSE (8vs8) (by Dynamix, SE by ValonLähetti)

5.0 Spacial thanks to:

6.0 Thanks to:

Lot of people.. but to name few:

7.0 Links:

8.0 Contact us:

Contact: -=RayMan=-
IRC: #zorn #basemixed #clustermixed @ Quakenet
ICQ: 714190

Contact: DeeVee
IRC: #[EM] #basemixed #clustermixed @ Quakenet
ICQ: 35367589

Contact: ValonLähetti
IRC: @ Quakenet
ICQ: 46213244

Enjoy the maps.