---------------------------- Installation ---------------------------- Extract absFilter.zip into your Tribes 2 directory. When completed you should have three files that in a default install appear here: ..\Tribes2\GameData\base\scripts\autoexec\absFilter\absFilter.cs ..\Tribes2\GameData\base\scripts\autoexec\absFilter\PJSupport1.cs ..\Tribes2\GameData\base\scripts\autoexec\absFilter\ReadMe.txt If you are already using PanamaJack's All-In-One script, or just about any of his scripts, delete the PJSupport1.cs script from the absFilter folder. Though not needed, I strongly recommend getting Writer's SUPPORT script found here: http://www.planettribes.com/depot/ This script supports Writer's SCRIPT loader. ---------------------------- Instructions ---------------------------- This script provides several functions: 1) A way to deal with those annoying taunts. A taunt is defined as anything under VGT* in the chat menu. This filter does not distinguish between either your team or the opposition. No matter what setting you use, your taunts will be permitted through in all their glory. Options available are: None - Normal game playing mode. No Voice - This allows text part of the taunt to display but no voice sample is played. No Voice/Text - Neither the voice nor text gets through. 2) Control compliments, anything issued by pressing VGC* in the chat menu. Settings are: None - Normal game playing mode. No Voice - This allows text part of the taunt to display but no voice sample is played. No Voice/Text - Neither the voice nor text gets through. 3) Control globals, messages issued as VG* from the chat menu can get tedious. Everyone saying "Hi", or "Bye", or "Wahoo". Filter settings are: None - Normal game playing mode. No Voice - This allows text part of the taunt to display but no voice sample is played. No Voice/Text - Neither the voice nor text gets through. 4) Some players may repeat the same message over and over and over. Thanks to Tribes flood control they can only get four out before they are shut down for ten seconds. But, why wait for that? Turn on the Repeat Message Filter and the next time some sends a chat message two, three, or four times in a row, only the first one will play for you. If someone does manage to interrupt the repeating player it will count as a new message in which case one more message from the repeating player will get through. 5) Deathmessages appear in your main HUD. One appears each time you or anyone else in the entire game is killed. This can clutter the message HUD and cause important messages to scroll off before you can read them. This filter fixes that with several different options: None - Normal game playing mode. Allow Team Kills - Only when a member of your team, including yourself, will have kill messages displayed. Enemy kills will not show. Allow My Kills - Your kills and only your kills will display. Everything - No kill message of any kind is displayed. NOTE: In order for the team kills option to work, you MUST have PanamaJack's PJSupport1.cs script installed. It is included with this install but you can also get it from his site at: http://www.planettribes.com/pj/ If you have already installed some or all of Panajack's scripts then this file is probably already present. ---------------------------- Configuration ---------------------------- There are two ways to configure the filter. When this script is first executed it will create a prefs file in GameData\prefs\absFilter.cs. Edit the numbers to get your desired results. Since this sucks I don't use it. Instead downlad and install Writer's Support script from hre: http://www.planettribes.com/depot/ Once installed you will find a SCRIPTS menu item in the Launch menu. My script will appear with an options tab for easy configuration. ---------------------------- Revisions ---------------------------- 1.0.1 - Added filters for compliments, globals, and repeated messages. 1.0.0 - Initial release ---------------------------- Referenece ---------------------------- #name = Absynthe's Message Filter #version = 1.0.1 #date = July 4th, 2001 #description = Filters death messages, taunts, compliments, globals, and repeated messages. #author = Chuck "Absynthe" Simciak #warrior = Absynthe #email = absynthe@voyager.net #web = http://my.voyager.net/~absynthe