[{A}] Androctasiae's

Tribes 2 Scripts

Readme: Absynthe's MP3 Player

Absynthe's absmp3player.zip Readme editted by [{A}]Teratos Tarantella.

***Script Info***
#name		= Absynthe's MP3 Player
#author		= Chuck "Absynthe" Simciak
#version	= 1.0.2
#date		= September 23, 2001
#description 	= Plays MP3s from directories other than the default, handles playlists.
#warrior	= Absynthe
#email		= absynthe@voyager.net
#web		= http://my.voyager.net/~absynthe
#credits	= Registry Code Module	- Kenneth Ives	- kenaso@home.com
#credits	= Source available at:			- http://www.freevbcode.com/
#credits	= Window Resize Source Code Provided by:- http://www.vb-helper.com

Extract absmp3player.zip into your Tribes 2 directory. When completed you should have three files
that in a default install appear here:


For convenience, you'll probably want to make a shortcut to absPlayListEditor.exe for easy use.

Instructions - Making a playlist

By default absMP3Player will play the Tribes 2 soundtrack until you configure it to use a different
playlist. Playlists are generated or converted by running absPlayListEditor.exe. Once open you can:

- Select MP3 files to add to a playlist.
- Add an entire directory of MP3s to a playlist.
- Mix up directories and individual files.
- Change play order of tracks in a playlist.
- Remove specific tracks from the playlist.
- Clear the playlist to start over.
- Load a previously made playlist for editing.
- Convert M3U, PLS, or TMMS playlists into my playlist format.
- Delete playlists. Its the same as deleting a file from the absMP3 directory but easier.

The list view of files is more than for show. You can double-click on any file (MP3, PLS, M3U) and my
editor will auto-load the file. I can't implement this in the directory view since you have to double-click
to open folders. Also, the playlist editor window is resizeable.

All playlists are stored in:


NOTE: All MP3s music be on the SAME drive as where Tribes 2 is installed. This is a limitation in the way
Tribes 2 handles audio files. There is nothing I can do about it.

NOTE: If you get an error when opening/saving playlists copy the COMDLG32.OCX file into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory (for 9.x) or WINNT\SYSTEM32 (for NT/2000).

NOTE: If you have trouble running the program try downloading/installing the VB Runtime environment found
here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?ReleaseID=28337

Instructions - Using absMP3Player

Once you've made some playlists load up Tribes 2. From the launch menu select SETTINGS. In the Settings
dialog select CONTROLS. Scroll to the bottom and find these entries:

MP3 Start Music
MP3 Stop Music
MP3 Next Music Track
MP3 Prev Music Track
MP3 Display Menu

Bind keys to these entries. My configuration is:

MP3 Start Music		CTRL-UP ARROW
MP3 Prev Music Track	CTRL-LEFT ARROW
MP3 Display Menu	ALT-UP ARROW

This is all pretty much self-explanatory. The MP3 Display Menu command is used in-game to get a dialog with
options. TrackSelect and PlayList select require clicking the button on the bottom of the dialog to confirm
your selection.

If you select the option REPEAT TRACK the currently selected track will be repeated until the mission ends,
at which time the next track in the playlist is used unless you've specified that tracks be played randomly.
If you use the MP3 Stop Music command, the music will remain stopped until you either indicate you want it
started again by pressing any other MP3 command key or quitting the game and reloading. This is intentional
since I figure if you want the music stopped it should stay stopped until you indicate otherwise.


>> support.vl2 by Writer

***Version History***
1.0.2 - Fixed issue with VB program flagging run-tine error -76. This is caused by having a Tribes2 install that
	doesn't sync with the location specified by the Tribes2 registry entries. absMP3PlaylistEditor will now
	reference its directory if it can't find any registry entries. Should the progam be located outside of
	the Tribes2 directory hieararchy it will pop an error and shutdown.
1.0.1 - Removed Absynthe's Filter stuff from script and gui. Will use Writer's SUPPORT script for configuration now.
1.0.0 - Initial Release
Tribes 2 Scripts
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Last Updated: July 12, 2005