[{A}] Androctasiae's

Tribes 2 Scripts

Readme: Advis's ipc

Advis's ipc Readme written by [{A}]Teratos Tarantella.

***Script Info***
#name		= ipc.vl2
#author		= Advis
#version	= 0.8
#date		= June 19, 2001
#description 	= Shows what teammates are doing & their pack/armor plus it sends out loadout info to
		  team chat.
#warrior	= ?
#email		= ?
#web		= ?

Unzip the package (.zip file) and copy the .vl2 files into your base folder. In the example X:\
represents the drive letter that you installed the game on ( usually C:\ or D:\ ) and the ~\
represents the folders inbetween X:\ and the Dynamix folder (usually C:\Program Files\Dynamix). The path should be: 


	X:\~\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\base\scriptslaresay.vl2

This script helps you keep track of what everyone is doing. It is a good script for captains and
anyone that wishes to improve teamplay. It requires only one keybind for on/off toggle. What this 
script does is put text on your screen that says: attack, defend, repair, need, deploy. When somone
says they will do something through the chat binds their name and a lettle for their armor appears 
near the category they fit in. There is also an icon, reduced in size, to represent their pack.
Knowing what your teammates are doing and the armor and pack they have seems like a very useful
thing. If you have not given an announcement of what you are going to do ( "VS??" voice>self>choice>choice )
the script sends your armor class and pack-type to teamchat.

***Version History***
Tribes 2 Scripts
Home Page
Last Updated: July 12, 2005