// #autoload // #name = Chat Alert // #version = 0.2 // #date = January 13, 2004. // #author = Barbarian // #warrior = Barb4rian // #email = conanford@hotmail.com // #web = http://barb4rian.tripod.com/ // #description = Takes messages which have your name (with or without tribe tag) in them and places them in a hud. // #include = support/team_tracker.cs // #config = ChatAlertGUI // #readme = scripts/barbarian/ChatAlert.txt // #status = Beta // #credit = Uberguy // #credit = |HV|Wembly // #credit = whoever wrote Bottomprint in tribes 2 ChatAlert 0.2 by Barbarian Jan 13, 2003. Synopsis -------- If someone says your name (with or or without your Tribes tag), will popup an alert hud for a configurable period of time (default 4 seconds). This is useful on busy public servers. Not case sensitive, but if you're name is l33td00dsup3rskilled don't expect anyone to type your name. Default hud positioning is center of screen, 2/3 of the way down, and can be repositioned with Hudmanager (see below). Extract the .zip into your tribes2\gamedata\base directory. Extendable ---------- This script can be extended by CrewHUD -- if CrewHUD is installed, hud will also popup when someone on your vehicle says anything. Required -------- Requires support.vl2 - see http://scripts.tribalwar.com/uberguy/files/support/support.vl2 Optional -------- Hudmover or Hudmanager can be used to move the hud around. I highly recommend Hudmanager. See http://scripts.tribalwar.com/uberguy/hudmanager.htm OPTIONS (Use the options tab under Scripts when support.vl2 is installed) ------- Transparent back - Removes the HUD background. Time - sets the popup time of the hud from 1 to 10 seconds Color - color of the hud text. Credits ------- - Color slider code based on Uberguy's code in UberChat - whoever wrote centerprint and bottomprint in Tribes 2 - |HV|Wembly