Bluez's Analog HUDs Readme written by [{A}]Teratos Tarantella. ***************** ***Script Info*** ***************** #name = Analog HUDs (SpeedTach & AltimeterTach) #author = Bluez #version = ? #date = October 5, 2003 #description = Provides analog readings of Altitude and Speed. #warrior = Bluez #email = #web = #requires = support.vl2 ****************** ***Installation*** ****************** Unzip the package (.zip file) and copy the .vl2 files into your base folder. In the example X:\ represents the drive letter that you installed the game on ( usually C:\ or D:\ ) and the ~\ represents the folders inbetween X:\ and the Dynamix folder (usually C:\Program Files\Dynamix). The path should be: X:\~\Dynamix\tribes2\gamedata\base\scripts\.vl2 Examples: X:\~\Dynamix\tribes2\gamedata\base\scripts\ipc.vl2 X:\~\Dynamix\tribes2\gamedata\base\scripts\flaresay.vl2 ***************** ***Description*** ***************** >>Provides analog readings of Altitude and Speed. *********** ***Other*** *********** >>Includes 27 textures ********************* ***Version History*** ********************* UNKNOWN