*************************************************************** Kill Shot v1.0.0 *************************************************************** About Kill Shot: Kill Shot is a script that will take screen shots when you kill/get killed with/by virtually every weapon type. Installation: 1) Ensure you have the file support.vl2 installed (ie. put it in tribes2/gamedata/base directory) 2) Ensure you have PJ's Support Pack (minimum) installed. 3) Extract killshot.zip into your Tribes2 directory 4) Run tribes 2 and from the menu, select "Scripts". 5) Use the Kill Shot Config GUI to set your options. 6) Play T2. Features: 1) Takes a screen shot when you kill someone with a certain weapon. 2) Takes a screen shot when you die from with a certain weapon. 3) Takes a screen shot when you Team Kill/get Team Killed. 4) Variable delay between the kill event and when the screen shot is taken to maximize effect. 4) Variable minimum delay between taking Kill Shots to minimize "screen shot lag" while playing. 5) User definable key to toggle all Kill Shot taking. 6) User definable key to toggle the Kill Shot configuration dialog while playing the game. NOTES: The TKing/TKed options work in conjuction with the weapon types for kills/deaths. Meaning if you have set Kill Shots to take a screen shot when you kill with the Spinfusor and not with the Blaster and you TK with the Blaster no screen shot will be taken but one will be taken when you TK with the blaster. If you have the 'Take Kill Shot When I TK' option off, no Kill Shot will be taken regardless of what weapon you use. Running over a teammate is NOT considered a Team Kill. No Kill Shot is taken if you kill someone with the Shrike Blaster. This is due to a bug in Tribes 2 not sending the killer's name with the Shrike Blaster kill event. Being killed by the Shrike Blaster WILL take a Kill Shot. Once you open the Kill Shot configuration dialog from within the game will cause the same dialog to "disappear" from Launch|Scripts. Dunno why this happens, no idea how to fix it. All vehicle weapons and turret types and wrapped up into two options 'Vehicle Weapons' and 'Turrets'. The MPB missle turret is considered a Turret kill, not a Vehicle Weapon. Version History: Version 1.0.0: Public Release No code changes were made. Version 0.9.3: Public Beta Fixed a bug where every time you opened the config GUI another 'Toggle Kill Shot Config GUI' line would be added to your controls list. Version 0.9.2: Public Beta Handling my own screen shot taking. Screenshots will be in the format ks-X-Y Z.png, where X is the running kill shot number, Y is the death type ("killed with, killed by, tked with, tked by), and Z is the name of the weapon used. These files exist in your Tribes2\Gamedata\base\screenshots directory. Version 0.9.1: Public Beta