HuntersHUD 1.0 by Cowboy - What does HuntersHUD do? It modifies the built-in Tribes 2 "Objective Hud" to display more information during a Team Hunters game. - What did it show before? * Team name + Score for both teams * Number of flags you hold What does it show now? * Team name + Score for both teams * Number of flags you hold * Worth in points of your flags * Number of flags spread between teams In addition, the hud text changes color to indicate a few scenarios: Yellow: Your team is losing, and you do not personally hold enough flags to tie / take the lead. Green: Your team is losing, but you have enough flags to tie / take the lead White: Your team is winning - I'm told the file I modified was originally written by Ptavv. If so, good job man, cool idea! If you're reading this, though, I don't mean to co-opt a script you wrote, but I haven't seen you online in ages.. and I *need* this one!!