[{A}] Androctasiae's
Tribes 2 Scripts
Readme: Cowboy's Dts Shape Browser
Cowboy's DTS Shape Browser Readme editted by [{A}]Teratos Tarantella.
***Script Info***
#name = Dts Shape Browser
#author = Ben 'Cowboy' Alman
#version = 2.0
#date = October 9, 2001
#description = GUI browser for T2 DTS files (some with multiple skins & animations).
#warrior = Cowboy
#email = cowboy@CowboyScripts.org
#web = http://CowboyScripts.org
#credits = Jett for creating the GUI DTS View control for this script.
Unzip the package (.zip file) and copy the .vl2 files into your base folder. In the example X:\
represents the drive letter that you installed the game on ( usually C:\ or D:\ ) and the ~\
represents the folders inbetween X:\ and the Dynamix folder (usually C:\Program Files\Dynamix). The path should be:
>>GUI browser for T2 DTS files (some with multiple skins & animations).
>>To use: type dtsview(); in the console (default to open console is "`" or "~" key located by tab and
>>That's it. This script is unsupported, and it's just for fun.. so if you're not having fun when you use it,
you should probably stop before you hurt yourself.
>>Now you can view Tribes 2 DTS shapes in style! Some models support skins, such as flag, huntersflag, switch,
and various player models. Other models support animations, such as vehicles, weapons, and turrets.
>>The GuiDTSView control (around which this entire script is built) will only recognize the first 6 stored
animation sequences per model. The only model affected seems to be vehicle_land_mpbase, as that is the only
one that has more than 6 sequences stored. There might be others that I'm not aware of. As Dynamix no longer
exists, I don't expect to see any small outstanding bugs like this one fixed.
***Version History***
Tribes 2 Scripts
Home Page
Last Updated: July 12, 2005