// #autoload // #name = ObserverKey // #version = 1.2 // #date = March 31, 2002 // #author = Misanthropic aka. EXoCiDe // #warrior = Misanthropic // #email = exocide@x-mail.net // #web = http://www.angelfire.com/sc3/exocide // #web = http://exocide.vsn.nu/ // #description = Allows you to become an observer with the press of a button. Now has a quick respawn function, and an option throw a grenade and/or mine right before you do. // #credit = The lamers out there who cheat death this way, and me for being lame by making it easier :) Also thanks to Please_kill_me for the grenade/mine idea. // #config = ObserverKeyGui // #readme = ObserverKey_changes.txt Allows you to become an observer with the press of a button. Now has a quick respawn function, and an option to auto-throw a grenade and/or mine right before you do. requires Writer's Support. version 1.2 ================= - New 'Quick Respawn' function implemented for faster respawning. Still throws a grenade and/or mine (if enabled) - 'Become An Observer' keybind doesnt auto-grenade or auto-mine anymore (respawn does now) - Fixed ObserverKey's failure to save prefs - Auto-grenade feature will no longer throw flare grenades or deployable cameras version 1.3 ================= - Fixed conflict with ObserverKey and QuickFlare scripts version 1.4 ================= - Added a 'Change Your Team' keybind