// #autoload // #name = QuickFlare // #version = 1.1 // #description = Automatically toss a flare when a missile is fired at you. // #date = March 31, 2002 // #author = Misanthropic aka. EXoCiDe // #warrior = Misanthropic // #email = exocide@x-mail.net // #web = http://www.angelfire.com/sc3/exocide // #web = http://exocide.vsn.nu // #readme = QuickFlare.txt Automatically toss a flare when a missile is fired at you. Includes enable/disable feature (key press) and toggle for two different modes: lock warning, and missile warning. Has Readme: The QuickFlare script is automatically enabled after you install it. If you want to be able to enable/disable it in a game, bind a key for it under SETTINGS>CONTROLS (it will be near the bottom). QUICKFLARE TOGGLE -- bind a key to this if you want to be able to disable/enable flare throwing when in a game. QUICKFLARE MODE -- initially, flares are thrown when a missile is fired at you. if you want to be safer, you can toggle this so flares are thrown when somebody gets a missile lock on you instead. this may tend to waste more flares but theres less chance of getting hurt. update 1.1 ================ - Fixed a lag issue with QuickFlare - QuickFlare prefs now get saved properly update 1.2 ================ - Fixed conflict with QuickFlare and ObserverKey scripts