TeamTV By: TruSoulja Clan: The Ministry minTruSoulja Version: 1.2 Installation: Place the TeamTV.vl2 file in your base directory, and (re)start Tribes2. Once Tribes2 is loaded it should be installed. To double-check, look in Launch->Scripts to see if you can find TeamTV. Next you must bind keys so go Options->Controls and find "Toggle Team TV Hud" and "Toggle Selector Hud" and bind them to keys of your choice. Usage: In-Game when you are on a team, press the key you bound to "Toggle Team TV Hud". This will open the Team TV and will probably be looking at static. To change your target, hit the key you bound to "Toggle Selector Hud" and this will bring up a list of teammates, from which you can click on to observe that teammate. Known Bugs: A player is linked to camera through a target number. There are two ways to find the target of a person, the first way is that I can determine the name and target is when the script user clicks on a name in the CC, which is why I used that hud for the selector. The other way is through scripting and looking through the list of players. This is buggy however (as many other scripters have told me) because after a map change the numbers do not match. No one has found a way around this. Therefore, when you use mouse buttons to click-through observe, the script cannot find the name so it will not display the name. When you click a name in the CC, it will save that players info so that it can be retrieved later. So if you have clicked on the player through the selector, his/her name will show up when you click-through observe instead of the error message. Also, when a player dies, his/her camera does not reset. This along with some other problems I've had are not fixable through client, to my knowledge. If you know of a way to fix this, feel free to shout :) Bug Report: **Contact "TruSoulja" through Tmail or Email. Tmail: TruSoulja Email: Thanks: *Halide *Panama Jack (PJ) *and many others who answered my random questions in #t2scripters (