ColorKills.cs by UberGuy (FT) - 4/22/01 NOTE: REQUIRES PanamaJack's support.cs - This script does something for Tribes 2 that I always thought should have been included since the days of Tribes 1: When a death message pops up in the chat menu, the names of the killer and victim are color coded to indicate what team they are on. This is especially useful in T2, where the teams can be VERY large and there are still tons and tons of new names cropping up. Sadly, there is no code for red text in the chat box. But there is green. So the colors are: green for teammates and yellow for enemy players. In non-team-based mission types, ColorKills turns itself off. Well, That's all it does. I like it as an alternative to seperate death message huds, since I'm in the habit of looking to the chat box for death messages anyway. Hope it helps you keep track of things in the game. TO INSTALL: YOU MUST HAVE PANAMAJACK'S SUPPORT.CS INSTALLED TO USE THIS SCRIPT! See the link at the top of this file for details on that script and it's installation. Just extract into your Tribes2 directory with sub-folders intact. If you really want to drag and drop it, just be sure to put it in Tribes2\GameData\base\scripts\autoexec. I put in an "UberGuy" path under that to keep down the clutter, but it's not manditory.