What is this? ============= If you've downloaded this script I assume you are aware of behavior of Tribes 2 with regard to screenshots: every time you restart the game it resets the screenshot counter to 1. This means the 1st screenshot you take every game is screen1.png, overwriting any previous screen1.png. And so on. If you're like me and take a lot of screenshots, this is INCREDIBLY annoying. This simple script that overrides the screen shot function in Tribes 2 to behave more like the one in Tribes did. It creates files named sshotXXXX.png. Of course in T1 they weren't PNG files, they were BMPs, but hopefully you get the idea. It names them successively based on the files that were there when you run T2 each time, so if sshot0001 - sshot0005 were already there, the next one output would be called sshot0006.png. The files are placed in the Tribes2\GameData\Base\ScreenShots directory. How do I install it? ==================== Just place screenshots.vl2 anywhere under your Tribes2\GameData\base folder. This is an updated version of my sshot.cs. If you have that installed, you don't really need this update. But if you do want it, please delete the old one. How do I use it? ================ Press your in-game screenshot key. That's it. How's it work? ============== For the scripting inclined, my technique for overriding the original function is to build a "package" around the base function name. But I break an unwritten rule here - because I want to replace rather than extend the function, I never call the parent:: version. So if you happen to be using any script that packages doScreenShot(), my script will break it. Thanks to the guys in #t2scripters on dynamix irc for their help, especially PanamaJack and Writer, who explained packaging functions to me.