// #autoload // #name = UberTimeHUD // #version = 1.1.1 // #date = August 17, 2002 // #author = Paul Tousignant // #warrior = UberGuy (FT) // #email = uberguy@tribes2.org // #web = http://uberguy.tribes2.org // #description = Show the real clock time in a HUD. // #category = UberGuy's Scripts // #status = Release // #readme = scripts/UberGuy/UberTimeHUD.txt // #config = UberTimeGUI // #credit = TwoStep, for his nifty time script, now no longer needed :D UberTimeHUD.cs Version 1.1.1 by UberGuy (FT) - uberguy@tribes2.org 05/12/2002 REQUIRES: Writer's Support Pack =============================== http://uberguy.tribes2.org/files/support/support.vl2 Update 1.1.1 (09/25/02) ============ Removed reliance on TwoTime, since T2 includes a time function as of version 25026.015. Update 1.1.0 ============ Finally figured out hy HudMover wouldn't move the clock for some folks. Thanks to Barbarian for pointing out the problem. Update 1.0.1 ============ Whoops. Silly typo in a search and replace was keeping the preferences from being saved. This should be fixed now. Update 1.0.1 ============ Whoops. Silly typo in a search and replace was keeping the preferences from being saved. This should be fixed now. Update 1.0 ============ This T2 script shows a simple HUD displaying the real, hourly time. Uses and requires TwoStep's TwoTime script for getting the atomic clock standard time. See TwoTime's options page to set your TimeZone and Daylight Savings Time values. See the in-game readme for descriptions of what the options selectors do. TO INSTALL: =========== Place UberTimeHUD.vl2 and support.vl2 anywhere under Tribes2\GameData\base. Play T2! Enjoy!