*************************************************************** ObserverHUD ver 0.30 *************************************************************** ABOUT OBSERVERHUD: ObserverHUD was designed primarily for the use of shoutcasters but is also great for refs and anyone who enjoys looking at game stats. It is designed to be lag free and gives you just about everything you could possibly want to know about a match. The ObserverHUD huds are only active whilst in Observer Mode so do not intrude on your gameplay at all and, due to the fact that ObserverHUD does no message parsing at all (unlike T1 stats recorders) it will not slow your system down :) WHAT DOES OBSERVERHUD DO? It does a number of very handy things. 1) It allows you to easily define hotkeys to players in game to observe them quickly. 2) It allows you to observe the flag carriers at the touch of a key. 3) It can auto-observe flag carriers on flag grab. 4) It has an extremely comprehensive list of team and player stats. 5) It outputs the match stats to html file (if you choose) at mission end. Even if you have been playing and not observing! (Great for clanners who want stats on every player that participated!) SPECIAL THANKS: PanamaJack - Without this guy this HUD would be only a fraction of what it is. Many thanks PJ ShoutCasters - Many thanks to the 'casters from ATN, TSN and WSBN who helped test and develop this HUD. Without you guys and your feedback this HUD wouldnt exist. T2Scripters - Thanks to everyone at T2Scripters for all the help and support Beta Testers - You know who you are. Thanks guys Dynamix - What a game! :) NOTES ABOUT OBSERVERHUD: - ObserverHUD is totally HUDMover Compatible - I would strongly suggest grabbing it. - The KeyBinds you set in ObserverHUD are only active in Observer Mode and will not effect your gameplay keys INSTALLATION: 1) Ensure you have the file support.vl2 installed (ie. put it in tribes2/gamedata/base directory) 2) Put ObserverHUD.vl2 in your tribes2/gamedata/base directory (Do NOT extract either support.vl2 or ObserverHUD.vl2. Just simply place these two files, as they are, in your tribes2/gamedata/base directory.) 3) Run tribes 2 and from the menu, select "Scripts". 4) Edit ObserverHUD GUI as you see fit 5) Play T2 and go to observer mode UNINSTALLATION: 1) Turn off your computer, unplug your monitor and drop it on yourself. (FOOL! Why you wanna uninstall this!!! lol) 2) Delete tribes2/gamedata/base/ObserverHUD.vl2 3) If you wish (optional), delete tribes2/gamedata/base/prefs/ObserverHUDPrefs.cs GUI DETAILS & INSTRUCTIONS: Enable ObserverHUD HUDs: Toggles all HUDs off if disabled. Enable Team Stats HUD: Enable or disable the display of this HUD Enable Game Type Stats HUD: ditto Enable Player Stats HUD: ditto Enable Quick View HUD: ditto Auto Stats Output: } Prompt for Stats Output: } Stats output options No Stats Output on Mission End: } Auto View Flag Carrier: When a flag is grabbed, automatically view the carrier SET DEFAULT KEYS: Set default ObserverHUD keys as current APPLY CHANGES: Save changes to your prefs file. DEFAULT OBSERVERHUD KEYS: 1-0: Quick view slots 1-0 Ctrl 1-0: Set quick view slot value to currently viewed player o: Enable/Disable ObserverHUD n: Enable/Disable Team Stats HUD g: Enable/Disable Game Stats HUD p: Enable/Disable Player Stats HUD q: Enable/Disable Quick View List ,: Observe current team 1 flag carrier .: Observe current team 2 flag carrier FUTURE IMPROVMENTS AND KNOWN BUGS: - Cap Time Stats HUD VERSION HISTORY: Version 0.30: Many display and code bugs fixed Pings and PL shown for players Prev and next team keys removed html output tweaked and bug fixed Recording of players scores added Version 0.21: Several bugs in next/prev team player view fixed Version 0.20: Stat output in html format added Keys for prev and next team player added Bug fixed where QV list had no player name was usable Disabled Auto-Flag Carrier view if already viewing flag carrier Version 0.10: Original Private Beta Release