This is my Tricon2 manual I decided to make to help other people with setting their server up and to save on hours of typing and prevent typers cramp. :)
First thing you will need to do is to have the 3 Tricon2 files installed on the server. The Tricon2Server.vl2, Tricon2ServerExpansion.vl2 and the Tricon2CrapPack.vl2 will need to be placed in the base folder of your game server. The Tricon2GameClient files will need to be placed in the base folder of the install of Tribes2 on your computer that you play on. Once all of these files have been put in place you will need to restart your server or start it depending on if it was running or not. Wait about 1.5-2 minutes after you have started the server and then stop it. You will then need to edit the prefs of your server to your liking.
Editing Server Preferences
Once your server has completely stopped you may now edit your server preferences. Open up the file Triconprefs.cs in your C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\Gamedata\base\prefs folder (assuming that is where Tribes2 is installed on your server). You can open the file with either notepad or wordpad. Look for this section in the file:
$Tricon::ClientPassword = "tricon";
$Tricon::ClientPasswordDisable = "0";
$Tricon::ClientRegAdminPw = "changeme";
This is the section where you setup your tricon admin pass. The client password is the password you set to to allow tricon admin access, Tricon Admin is the highest admin you can get on your server. The client reg admin password is the the password to allow regular admin access, these users will have basic admin funtions.
Mod Chooser
To setup modchooser you will need to edit this section in the triconprefs.cs file.
$Tricon::ExternalMod0 = "base";
$Tricon::ExternalMod1 = "version2";
$Tricon::ExternalModDefault = "version2";
This is just an example, you can add as many mods that you like. When adding mods you will need to create new external mod lines in order to select them in modchooser. The name of the modchooser is the name of the mod folder in your tribes2\gamedata directory. The mod default is the default mod that your server will run when it firsts starts up.
To setup Telnet on your server you will need the file and setup your access information in your triconprefs.cs file. Look for this section in your prefs.
$Tricon::Telnet::PasswordFull = "tricon";
$Tricon::Telnet::PasswordRead = "changeme";
$Tricon::Telnet::Port = "10";
The Tricon Telnet password full is the password you will use to connect to your server. The Tricon Telnet password read is another password anything other than the password you use. You will need to setup a port to use when connecting to your server. DO NOT USE THE GAME PORT! Some ports will just not work sometimes so you will need to find one that does. I have found that many ports in the range of 10-2000 will work. Although I have not tried to use every one of them.
Prefs (cont.)
Once you have changed all your preferences save the file by clicking File>Save. Now you will want to start your server back up. Once your server has competely started you will want to join your server in Tribes2. Once you have joined you will want to enter your Tricon Admin Pass in global chat (press U). Go to the lobby by pressing ESC and you will see all the admin functions. If you have the GameClient installed you should see all the funstuff features and other admin features that are not visible without the client.
Using ModChooser
Once you have Tricon successfully installed you are now ready to setup modchooser. If you are not running any external mods other than base, you may skip this section. Assuming you have set the external mods section in your triconprefs.cs file you can now switch your server over to one of those mods. In order to do this you must be on your server in Tribes2. Go to the lobby by pressing ESC and scroll down the admin functions list (You must be logged in as a Tricon Admin). Near the bottom of the list you will see the ModChooser section. Select the Mod you want to switch your server over to by double clicking the link. Your server will restart in the mod you chose. Once your server starts backup, rejoin it and login as a Tricon admin. If things dont seem right as in it seems like base but the physics are somewhat like renagades for example, you need to do a prebuild. To do this go back to the lobby and on the admin menu look for 'Prebuild - Compile .dso's'. This should fix all the things that dont seem right.
Tricon2 Telnet
Assuming you setup your telnet settings in your Triconprefs.cs file you are ready to connect to your server through telnet. Run the Tricon2TelnetGUI.exe. Once the screen loads select Launch>Connect>Select Server then click on Add Server. A dialogue box will appear and you will need to enter the connection info.
Server Name: The Name of your Server
IP Address: The Ip address of your server.
Port: The Telnet port you have set in your triconprefs.cs.
Password: The Telnet password you set in your triconprefs.cs (TelnetpasswordFull)
Admin Nick: Give yourself a nickname, usually your warrior name.
You should now be able to connect to your server. If it doesnt connect then you may have a setting wrong or something else has happened. Your server also has to be running in order for you to connect. If you or your server is behind a firewall you will need to open ports in order for you to connect. If this still does not work, try changing the Telnet Port in your TriconPrefs.cs file then change it in your Telnet GUI before you connect to your server. You may have to use several different ports until you find one that works.
You should now have a successfully running Tricon2 Admin Mod server. Hopefully this helps everyone, I will add/edit as new questions arise.
Quick Notes:
Just a few things to keep in mind when admining your server:
Anytime you change something in your preference files on your server you must have your server stopped in order for them to take effect. Once you have changed your preferences you will also need to delete the .dso file of the same name. The .dso file will be read before your .cs file if you do not do this.
Firewalls - If you are having troubles opening ports go Here to find what ports need to be opened.