Tribes 2 server information page.

And you thought it would never happen!  The server info page has been updated!  Gang loads of dedicated server commands have been included below.  New topics are listed in orange.


  1. How do I create a Dedicated Server?
  2. How do I create Admin access to the server?
  3. What else can go in the serverprefs file?
  4. How do I show framerate?
  5. How do I exit the server or the game, quickly?
  6. Console Commands
  7. Command-Line Commands
  8. Config File Commands


1. How do I create a Dedicated Server?

This requires several steps:

Step 1: Creating the serverprefs.cs file

Run T2, Login, Go to GAME, then HOST, then ADVANCED.
Create a DEDICATED server, Change your Game Info. Choose SAVE.

Modify any other settings you want/need to.
DO NOT Worry about BOT settings at this stage.

Change the Server Name to your name. Choose START.

This will cause your T2 Environment to exit, and a DOS Console to appear, running the dedicated server.

Go straight to the next instruction.

At the command line of the dedicated server console window type this:

This will end the dedicated server session.

Step 2 : Look at the serverprefs.cs file

Check in your T2 directory. You will now have the following directory:
C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\base\prefs (it was probably created the first time you ran T2)

In it is the file serverprefs.cs

You can edit this file, but in general you shouldn't need to unless you want to change something, like the Port number.

Step 3: Set up InfiniteSpawn

Like InfiniteSpawn.exe from Tribes1, the new tool for restarting the dedicated server automatically is called ispawn.exe

Usage: c:\dynamix\tribes2\gamedata\ispawn.exe <port> tribes2.exe <command>

Where <port> is the Port specified in your serverprefs.cs file, and <command> is some arcane voodoo. Here are some options for <command>

Make it a dedicated server. Duh.

-mission [mission name] [mission type]
e.g. -mission Katabatic CTF

-bot [number of bots]
Note that if you use bots, you HAVE to start with a BOT MAP!
To find out which maps are BOT MAPS, go through the steps of creating a server from within the game. When you click on Enable Bots on the HOST screen, watch the Missions listed under "Mission Name:" on the left. See a whole bunch of the unhighlighted. The ones that remain highlighted ARE Bot Maps.


A simple dedicated server:
ispawn.exe 28000 Tribes2.exe -dedicated -mission Katabatic CTF

A dedicated server with 4 BOTS, on Port 28001
ispawn.exe 28001 tribes2.exe -dedicated -mission Riverdance CTF -bot 4

Note: If the server keeps restarting every minute or so, it is likely that the server port in your command line does not match the server port in your serverprefs.cs file.


2. How do I create Admin access to the server?

Add the following lines to your serverprefs.cs file:

Then while you are running the game, type the following at a console:


3. What else can go in the serverprefs file?

Do the following at your own risk. Make backups of files before you start messing with them.
Rename C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\base\scripts.vl2 to
Then open it with Winzip
Extract the file: serverdefaults.cs
Rename C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\base\ back to scripts.vl2

Look in serverdefaults.cs to see all the variables available.


4. How do I show framerate:

There are 2 ways of doing this (maybe more :-) :
1. Press ~ to get a console window appear in the game. Type showaudio();

To turn it off, go to the console again and type: show();

In this case you get a whole lot of crap across the top of the screen. So try the next method:

2. Go to the console and type: show("$fps::real");

To turn it off, go to the console again and type: show();


5. How do I exit the server or the game, quickly?
At a console type
disconnect(); - to disconnect from the server
quit(); - to totally exit the game, from within the gameplay environment



Command Description Client or Server
addbots(2); Adds # number of bots Server
ban(ID); Ban the player using his id from ListPlayers(); command (unknown if this works). Server
bottomprintall("Message",numSeconds); Echoes a message at the bottom of the screen to connected players. Server
connect(""); Client command to connect to a server by IP address and port. Client
centerprintall("Message",numSeconds); Echoes a message at the center of the screen to connected players.
See clearcenterprintall();
clearcenterprintall(); If you don't specify a numseconds in print commands, the message stays on until you clear the message. 
See centerprintall();
clearbottomprintall(); If you don't specify a numseconds in print commands, the message stays on until you clear the message. 
See bottomprintall();
disconnect(); Disconnects you from the server, not recommended. Client
echo(); Echoes to console. Server
echo(id#.guid); Echos your GUID # to the console. This is what the AdminLists on servers are looking for, not a Name. To learn the ID#, do a listplayers(); from the console. Both
export(); the command export( "*", "prefs/allvars.cs", false); would export all your variables to a file called allvars.cs in your prefs folder. Both?
Joingame("ip:"); Joins a specific server directly from the client console Client
kick(ID); Kick the player using his id from ListPlayers(); command (unknown if this works). Server
listplayers(); Should list the players in the game and if they are a bot or player using alias. It also show a player ID. Both
loadmission(map); Changes the map to the map specified Server
quit(); Exits the server Both
restartmission(); Restarts the current mission. Server
sad("password"); This should give you admin rights on a computer playing tribes against the dedicated server. (Be sure to use the same password in the ServerPrefs.cs file as in the command). Client
setlogmode(1); Use this to get a file with some stats from game. Server
show(); Shows information.
(empty) - toggles off.
("$fps::real") - shows framerate
showaudio(); Shows framerate and a bunch of other info. Client
show("framecounter()"); Similar to showaudio(); but only gives your framerate. Client
telnetsetparameters(port,"fullpassword","viewpassword"); Allows telnet administration of dedicated server.
port - telnet port to use. pick an open port like 2001.
fullpassword - a password in quotes to use for read/write telnet access.
viewpassword - a password in quotes to use for readonly telnet access.
Putting this command into your autoexec.cs file would be a good idea.



Client or Server

-bot 10 Add 10 (or other) bots to your server. Server
-dedicated Launch a dedicated server. Server
-mission katabatic CTF Sets the map and mission-type to load. Server
-nologin Starts the Server as a LAN Server that does not show up in the master browser Server
-serverprefs Use this to run a server with a different preferences file:
tribes2.exe -dedicated -serverprefs prefs/customprefs.cs Kabatic CTF

Note that the preferences file needs to be in tribes2/base, with the remainder of the path being specified.
ispawn.exe usage To use ispawn.exe, follow this example:
ispawn.exe -28000 -tribes2.exe -dedicated
You can add all your regular specifics after the -dedicated.
You must specify the port first, or ispawn will try to start the -dedicated program <G>.


(Many, if not all, of these can be exec'd at the Server Console)

Commands Description Client or Server
$Host::AdminList = ""; List of players to auto-admin when they join your server. Server
$Host::AdminPassword = "pass"; Sets the administrator pass for your server. Server
$Host::allowAdminPlayerVotes = 1; Server switch to control whether players can vote to elect a temporary admin. Server
$Host::BanTime = 1800; Length of time a player remains banned from the server.
(measured in seconds)
$Host::BindAddress = IP.ADDRESS; Tells the server to bind to a specific IP address. Server
$Host::BotCount = 2; Number of bots to create on server.
(NOTE setting this to anything above 0 overrides the BotsEnabled Command)
$Host::BotsEnabled = "0"; Server switch to enable bots. Server
$Host::FloodProtectionEnabled = 1; Server switch to control whether users who spam repeat text will be silenced. Server
$Host::GameName = "Bob's Tribes 2 Linux server"; Name you show up as in browser list. Server
$Host::Info = "greeting - e-mail address"; For when people click on Server Info. Server
$Host::KickBanTime = 300; Amount of time a person who is kicked from the server will be unable to rejoin.
(measured in seconds)
$Host::Map = "Katabatic"; Map to start server on. Server
$Host::MaxBotDifficulty = "0.75"; Controls the skill level of bots on your server. Server
$Host::MinBotDifficulty = "0.5"; Controls the skill level of bots on your server. Server
$Host::MaxMessageLen = 120; Number of characters a player can type into the chat window at once. Server
$Host::MaxPlayers = "64"; Number of players allowed to connect to your server. Server
$Host::MOTD = "Message of the Day"; Sets the Message of the Day when Players Connect Server
$Host::MissionType = "TeamHunters"; Type of game to play.
Available Types Are: CTF, DM, TeamHunters, Hunters, CnH, Rabbit, Bounty & Siege
$Host::NoSmurfs = 0; Server toggle to allow people playing under an alias. Server
$Host::Password = "joinpass"; Sets the password for clients to join the game. Server
$Host::Password = ""; Clears the server password to allow anyone to join -
Some people are having trouble doing this while the server is running. Let us know if you are as we are trying to pinpoint the issue
$Host::PlayerRespawnTimeout = 60; Player will be placed into observer mode if he doesn't respawn within this time limit. Server
$Host::Port = 28000; Tells the server to bind to a specific port. Server
$Host::SuperAdminList = ""; List of players to automatically give SAD when they join your server. Server
$host::telnetport = "24"; Sets the port that the server will allow telnet administration through Server
$host::telnetpw="x"; Sets the telnet password Server
$Host::TimeLimit = "60"; Time (in minutes) that the maps runs Server
$Host::TournamentMode = "0"; Turning this on will lock the teams once the map has started, allowing no new players to join. This is used primarily for clan matches. Server
$Host::VotePassPercent = 60; Percentage of players needed to pass a vote. Server
$Host::VoteTime = 20; Amount of time a vote session lasts. Server
$Host::warmupTime = "20"; The ammount of time (in seconds) that the server counts down when starting the map Server
Echo Typing echo before any command will give you its current setting. For example:
echo($Host::Password); will tell you the current game password
$logechoenabled=1; Makes the server log kills, joins and quits. see setlogmode(1); Both
$pref::Net::RegionMask = "32" Sets the region your server populates to. We will list the regioncodes when we figure them all out. Server
$teamName[1] = 'randomteamname';
$teamName[2] = 'randomteamname';
Changes the default team from inferno and storm. randomteamname makes it random, to specify you would use: beagle dsword swolf cotp base (storm) baseb (inferno) horde (bioderm)  Server
$teamSkin[1] = 'skincode';
$teamSkin[2] = 'skincode';
Sets the skin of each team. 
Use the list with $teamname to set your skincode 


©2001 roguedisciples